MGBBTOOSE Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.

Assignment Overview
The assignment will require studentsto reflect on their learning from the module to explain the importance of a reflective approach to learning and the value of formative feedback to inform and improve summative assessed work.

It will enablethem to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding ofthe cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and Tourism Management, and the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.

Through exploring their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,and threats more comprehensively this assignment will help students make a better career decision in the future.

Learning outcome 1: Understand the importance of a reflective approach to learning within the Business and Tourism Management discipline;

Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate the ability to use feedback and feed-forward as an integral to inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work;

Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and Tourism Management.

Learning outcome 4: Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.

Assignment Task: "E-Portfolio evidence that demonstrate learning from the module and personal audit as a student".


Complete an E-portfolio of 3000 words based on student`s reflection of their learning experience (Module 1 and 2) intheir degree programme.

A) Reflection On learning (1200 words)
i. An explanation of what is meant by reflective learning and its importance for learners in Higher Education/Business and Tourism Management Degree (150 words)
ii. Description of a reflective model (Kolb/Gibbs) (450 words)
iii. Definitions of formative and summative works with citations. Demonstrate how a reflective approach to your formative and summative evaluated work in Module-1 might enable you to feedforward and improve your work in Module-2 and the upcoming modules. (450 words)
iv. Rounding up of your Reflection On learning bybriefly restating your main points, in addition to your final thought or reflection on the significance of the topic. (150 words)

B) Reflection on the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management. (700 words)
i. A reflection that demonstrates your understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and TourismManagement from the current module.(400 words)
ii. An explanation of how will you implement these cultural and behavioural expectations in your future studies and work/career? (150)
iii. Provide a realistic timeframe and dates for the implementation of what you have learned about cultural and behavioural expectations. What resources and/or support would you need to implement what you have learned in future, both personally and professionally? (150)

C) Reflection on the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.(700 words)
i. A reflection on what peer-to-peer support and team working mean and why it is important for students in higher education.You can draw example from the previous module to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts. (400)
ii. An explanation of how will you implement peer-to-peer support and team working these in your future studies and work/career?(150)
iii. What resources and/or support do you need to implement what you have learnedabout peer-to-peer support and team working? Provide a realistic timeframe and dates for the implementation of what you have learned about peer-to-peer support and team working? (150)

D) A personal audit presented as a SWOT analysis, which evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as a student. (400 words)

Your E-Portfolio needs to include the following:
A. Reflection On learning (1200 words)
i. Reflective learning and its importance (150 words):In your own words detail what you have learnt about the topic.Ensure that you cover as much subtopics as possible.Cite and reference academic sources to support your work.
ii. Description of a reflective model (450 words): Choose a model for reflection- Kolb`s or Gibbs and explain the different stages of the model. Look back at your learning in Module-1 and demonstrate how applying your chosen model would help you to reflect andimprove your learning in the current as well as future modules.
For example,after learning about the importance of reflection to improve my learning, I have applied Gibbs/Kolb`s model of reflection to analyse my learning experience from module 1. A step-by-step evaluation of my learning has provided me with greater insights into ways I can improve my learning in the future.
iii. Using reflective approach to feedback and feed-forward to inform and improve future formative and summative assessments(450 words):Define formative and summative works with citations. Provide examples from your learning in Module-1. Look at your summative feedback on Moodle for Module-1 and demonstrate how a reflective approach to your summative evaluated work could enableyou to feedforward and improve your work in the upcoming modules.

For example,looking at my summative essay feedback from Module-1, I have come to understand how I can improve my work in the current module. In my feedback I was advised to improve my referencing skills and follow the CCCU Harvard referencing style. I will feedforward this in writing my E-portfolio and ensure that I cite the references correctly in Module-2.
iv. Rounding up (150 words):Conclude your Document-A: Reflection On learningbybriefly restating your main points, in addition to your final thought or reflection on the significance of the topic.

B. Reflection on the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and TourismManagement. (700 words)

i. Reflection of Learning (400 words):In your own words detail what you have learntabout the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and TourismManagement from the current module.Ensure that you cover as much subtopics as possible.Cite and reference academic sources to support your work.
For example,Afterattending the lecture forbehavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and TourismManagement,I have come to understand what culture is and how it influences students` behaviour in class and at workas well as the important of attendance, punctuality, time management skill, perseverance, being passionate about ones course, good academic writing skill, ability to work in group...then explain the key points further with practical examples.
ii. Future Implications (150 words):How will you use what you have learnt from topic A in your future studies and work?
For example,‘I will practise what I have learnt in relation to the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and Tourism management by ensuring I am punctual to my classes and work, timelines are met in terms of assignments and work task andalways maintaining professional courtesy to my colleagues and staff in at the university and work, etc.
iii. Implementation (150 words): What resources or support do you need to achieve this? What resources and/or support do you need to achieve this? Including plans that such as taking extras support from your tutor and academic support team, attending training sessions, individual development activities, etc. You must include target dates and timeframe for implementation.
For example,‘I will need the Academic support team help for my study and academic writing skills. I still need to work on my referencing and paraphrasing skill. Therefore, I will need to book a weekly one to one support with the team. I also need to create a home timetable for myself by Saturday 12thNovember 2023 to enable me review what I was taught in class as well as meet my assignments deadline, etc.

C. Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.
i. Reflection of Learning (400 words):In your own words detail what you have learnt about the topic. Ensure that you cover as much subtopics as possible for peer-to-peer support and team working. Cite and reference academic sources to support your work.
For example:After attending the class forthe importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience I now understand that I would not only learn from the tutors, but I can also learn from fellow students in the same course with me as well as my work colleagues at the same level with me..., etc., then explain the key points further with practical examples.
ii. Future Implications (150 words):How will you use what you have learnt from the topic in your future studies and work.
For example:‘I will practise what I have learnt in my studies and at work by participating effectively in group activities as well as supporting my course mates when they require clarification about certain topic, I have good idea about, etc.
iii. Implementation (150 words):What resources or support do you need to achieve this? What resources and/or support do you need to achieve this? Including plans that such as taking extras support from your tutor and academic support team, attending training sessions, individual development activities, etc. You must include target dates and timeframe for implementation.
For example:Plan may include extras support from your tutor and academic support team to understand the topics better, attending training sessions on confidence building, individual development activities, e.g., read more about the topic, target dates and timeframe for implementation, etc.

D. SWOT analysis: A personal audit presented as a SWOT analysis of yourself as a student.
• Strengths: Detail your personal strength as a student here.Student`s personal strengths in relation to learning and education.
For example, good ICT, communication, research, referencing, paraphrasing, paragraphing skills, etc.(100 words)
• Weaknesses: Detail your personal weaknesses as a student here.Student`s personal weaknesses in relation to learning and education.
For example, lack of appropriate ICT, communication, research, writing, referencing, paraphrasing, paragraphing, presentation skills, lack of confidence, etc. (100 words)
• Opportunities: Identify opportunities that might be available to you after gaining skills and degree.
For example, employment, promotion, knowledge to establish own business, etc.(100 words)
• Threats: Identify threats/factors envisaged that might stop you from gaining knowledge and skills from your studies as well as attaining the degree. For example, ill health, family commitment, financial issues, work pressure and commitment, distance to university, etc.(100 words).

E-Portfolio for Reflection on Learning, SWOT Analysis and CPD Plan

Reflection on Learning
Planned outcome: Where do I want to be after completing these areas of learning in Module 2? What do I want to be doing? (3000 words)
Questions to direct your writing for the E-Portfolio

A) Reflection on Learning

i. Reflective learning and its importance (150)
What does reflective learning mean (definition, examples)? How is it important to Higher Education students?
How is important to your Business and Tourism Management degree?

ii. Description of a reflective model (450)
Which reflective model have you chosen?
What are the steps of this model?
What might you do at each step (give examples from your experiences in Module I)?
How will applying this model help you with this, and future, modules (think of specific ways you want to improve and how using the model helps you make these improvements)?

iii. Using reflective approach to feedback and feed-forward to inform and improve future formative and summative assessments (450)
What is a definition of formative/summative works?
What are these definitions` citations (you will need in-tat citations and items on your reference list)?
What is your understanding of these definitions?
What were the summative assignments for Module 1?
What feedback did you get for these assignments?
How can thinking about the feedback in a reflective way help you to improve your performance on upcoming assignments (this may feel similar to the last point of it, but here you need to reference specific feedback, so it`s different)?

iv. Rounding up (150)
In summary, what are your main ideas?
What is the most important point for you, or what do you want me to understand after reading your document?

B. Reflection on the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and Management
i. Reflection of Learning (400)
What (in detail) are the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in Business and Management?
What references can you include (from the list) that back up your ideas? What details can you share about each main idea about the topic?

ii. Future implications (150)
How can what you`ve learned be used in your future studies and career? Think of a main goal that you want to work towards.

iii. Implementation (150)

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