MA7419 Explore the census data and come up with two or three questions that could be answered using the data.

Fundamentals of Data

You should include analysis based on a particular local authority, which you should compare with other local authorities or with a wider region.

Apart from the allocation of a specific local authority to your group, other decisions of what issues to address and what comparisons or correlations to investigate are up to you.

Explore the census data and come up with two or three questions that could be answered using the data. The questions should have some public interest and at least one of them must require information from a data set other than the census data.

Your report may contain national statistics but must also contain some results focusing on the local authority area containing a particular city. The city you should focus on will be determined by your group name. Look at the list here and, once you have found your city, find the corresponding Local Authority Area in the census data.

Your outputs will be five separate items:

An HTML presentation based on an RMD source file, this should consist of approximately 10 slides explaining the questions you are answering, in broad terms the methods you used, and your conclusions, supported by appropriate data visualisations (charts, maps, tables etc.). The slides should not contain any R code.

The RMD file used to generate the above slideshow.

Notes for each slide containing no more than 100 words containing what you would say if you were presenting the slide (e.g. they might start "This graph shows..."). The document containing these notes should be in PDF format.
An individual reflective account of your contribution to the group project (see below for further details).
An assessment of the accuracy of your fellow team mates` own judgement of their con- tribution.

Overall basis of assessment
The module learning objectives, set out in the Specification are:
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Define data science and discuss its role in actuarial science and business analytics
Create and run simple program scripts in the RStudio environment and read data into R from a local tabular file
Create and share literate programs and reports using R Markdown and undertake simple EDA (including summary statistics and informative visualisations) of data in a tabular structure

Implement a reproducible workflow for simple data science project and describe ethical and regulatory issues to be considered when undertaking a data science project

The basis for setting levels are set out in the Senate Regulations.

To be awarded a pass a student will have demonstrated achievement of the specified learning outcomes of the programme to a satisfactory standard, demonstrating a critical and sub- stantial understanding of the topic. They will have demonstrated the ability to develop an independent, systematic and logical or insightful argument or evaluation. They will also have demonstrated a significant degree of competence in the appropriate use of the relevant liter- ature, theory, methodologies, practices, and tools and shown evidence of clarity, focus and cogency in communication.

To be awarded a merit a student will have demonstrated achievement of the specified learning outcomes of the programme to a very good standard, demonstrating a well-developed, critical and comprehensive understanding of the topic. They will have demonstrated the ability to develop an independent, systematic and logical or insightful argument or evaluation. They will also have demonstrated a high degree of competence in the appropriate use of the relevant literature, theory, methodologies, practices, and tools, and shown a high level of clarity, focus and cogency in communication.

To be awarded a distinction a student will have demonstrated achievement of the specified learning outcomes of the programme to an excellent standard, demonstrating a sophisticated, critical and thorough understanding of the topic. They will have demonstrated evidence of originality of thought and the ability to develop an independent, highly systematic and logical or insightful argument or evaluation. They will also have demonstrated excellence in the appropriate use of the relevant literature, theory, methodologies, practices, and tools, and shown excellent clarity, focus and cogency in communication.