Identify at least 2 important examples of each media type in your response. For example, if you selected TV and movies, you could identify specific TV shows or movies in your response.

Case Study: American mass media and culture are deeply intertwined, and it is hard to imagine an aspect of American culture that is not influenced by mass media. Spirituality, politics, and even our language are influenced by media. you will investigate how 2 different types of media have impacted American culture.

2 types of media from the following list:

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • TV
  • Movies
  • Radio
  • Internet

that examines the impact that the 2 types of media you selected have had on American culture since 1970.


  • Describe how the 2 types of media have influenced American culture since 1970.
  • Identify at least 2 important examples of each media type in your response. For example, if you selected TV and movies, you could identify specific TV shows or movies in your response.