Identify and critique the discourses and messages addressing diversity that you feel are perpetuated through this story.?See definition of discourse in?

Learning outcome 1: Critically reflect on and review inclusive policies.

Learning outcome 2: Promote inclusive practices and challenge dominant discourses and stereotypes.

Learning outcome 3: Illustrate approaches to social justice education in early childhood.

Assessment Event 1 - Report

Title: The Uluru Statement from the Heart, Australian Government Multicultural Statement and Early Childhood Education

Learning outcomes: 1

Research, review and critique the 2017 Multicultural Australia - Australia`s Multicultural Statement and the Uluru Statement of the Heart in relation the Early Years Learning Framework V2.0, 2022

The assessment should include:

  • An introduction to the 2017 Multicultural Australia - Australia`s Multicultural Statement and the 2017 Uluru Statement of the Heart which identifies the purpose of these documents
  • Critique the similarities and differences of these documents with the Early Years Learning Framework V2.0, 2022
  • Provide three recommendations for embedding the 2017 Uluru Statement of the Heart and the 2017 Multicultural Australia - Australia`s Multicultural Statement into educators` pedagogy, practice and curriculum provision.

Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA 7th Ed.

Assessment Event 2 - Critique & Planning

Title: Critiquing dominant discourses in?children`s stories

For this assessment, you will need?your required text:

Scarlet, R. R. (Ed.). (2020). The anti-bias approach in early childhood (4th ed.). Multiverse. For this assessment, you will need to:

  • Choose a children`s story that you believe perpetuates discourses addressing diversity. Discuss your
    choice of children`s story with your academic before commencing the assessment.
  • Identify and critique the discourses and messages addressing diversity that you feel are perpetuated through this story.?See definition of discourse in?Robinson & Jones Diaz (2016) pp. 31-32. This should be included within the learning experience plan below as part of your rationale.
  • Using your selected children`s story, design and implement a learning experience for a child or group of children that will make them aware of the dominant discourses and messages addressing diversity. The prompts found in the prescribed text, Chapter 3, pp. 25-26 may be useful.

The learning experience plan must contain:

  • A title of the experience that gives some detail as to what the experience is about.
  • An outline detailing the learning experience, including how you will introduce and implement it.
  • A rationale linking the discourse and messages addressing diversity in the chosen book with the planned experience. See point two above.
  • A list of the materials required with a diagram or photo of the set up.
  • Identification of which EYLF learning outcome(s) your plan relates to, listing two (2) specific child evidence examples.
  • A link to the EYLF principle and practice(s).
  • Identification of 3 developmental priorities or learning outcomes for the experience.
  • The teaching strategies you will use to implement the experience: consider the implications of the identified discourse(s) on your teaching pedagogy and practice.

Identify five (5) future planning possibilities that will address the dominant discourse and messages of diversity.

Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA 7th Ed.

Assessment Event 3 - Fact Sheet & Presentation

Title: Responding to difficult questions about Racial Identity and Cultural Diversity

Learning outcome: 3

For this assessment, you will need?your required text: Scarlet, R. R. (2020). The anti-bias approach in early childhood (4th ed.). Multiverse.
May be implemented as an individual or pairs. For this assessment you will need to:
• Read:
Australian Human Rights Commission. (2016). Responding to difficult questions about racial identity and cultural diversity.

For the presentation, you will need to:
? Use two of the children`s comments, provided by your academic, from the document - Responding to difficult questions about Racial Identity and Cultural Diversity.
? Critique the suggested response. How could the response be improved? Write your own response in your own words.
? Illustrate three (3) teaching strategies that could be used in addressing your topic with children.
? Provide two (2) relevant resources or materials to support children`s learning. One for each response.
? Use two of the parent/families` comments, provided by your academic.
? Critique the suggested response. How could the response be improved? Write your own response in your own words.
? Provide two (2) relevant resources appropriate for families (with links where appropriate). One for each response.

For the Fact Sheet you will need to:

  • Identify the dominant discourse(s) identified in each of the selected comments.
  • Provide a brief rationale for your responses.
  • Outline resources to support children and families.

Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA 7th style.

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