How do you believe preschool education can prepare your child for future academic and social challenges?

1| What aspect of making an impact on teaching and learning do you plan to research?

  • The research aims to significantly impact teaching and learning by aligning educational practices with parents’ views and needs.
  • It seeks to foster holistic development and improve engagement and motivation by involving parents more actively in their children’s education.

2| Why do you want to focus on this?

The research focuses on exploring and understanding the perceptions and expectations of preschool parents in Malaysia toward 21st-century education. This study aims to gather qualitative insights into:

  • How parents view current educational practices.
  • Parents’ aspirations for their children’s early education in the context of preparing them for future challenges.

Research Questions:

  1. What is the perspective of preschool parents on 21st-century education?
  2. What are the expectations of parents regarding preschool education?

Research Objectives:

  1. To analyze preschool parents’ perspectives on 21st-century education.
  2. To identify parents’ expectations for preschool education in preparing their children for future academic and social challenges.

3| Who will be involved?

  • Participants: Preschool parents.
  • Reason for Inclusion: Parents’ involvement and perspectives are critical for understanding and improving educational practices. Their insights can create a holistic and effective approach that addresses the needs of all stakeholders.

4| What is your chosen methodology? Why does this methodology suit the research?

  • Chosen Methodology: Qualitative research.
  • Justification: This approach allows for an in-depth exploration of parents’ perspectives, beliefs, and experiences, providing valuable insights into their expectations and views.

5| What methods will you use?


  • Interviews

Why Chosen:

  • Interviews provide in-depth exploration and help build rapport and trust, encouraging open and honest responses.


  • Time-consuming: Scheduling, conducting, and transcribing interviews require significant effort.
  • Subjectivity: Data may reflect personal biases, affecting reliability and validity.

Ethical Issues:

  1. Confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained by anonymizing data and securely storing it.
  2. Clear communication about data storage, usage, and exceptions (e.g., historical research).
  3. Participants will provide informed consent, ensuring transparency.

Proposed Questions:

  1. Can you describe your understanding of 21st-century education?
  2. What are your expectations for your child’s preschool education?
  3. How do you believe preschool education can prepare your child for future academic and social challenges?
  4. What skills or knowledge do you think are most important for your child to learn in preschool?
  5. How do you perceive the role of technology in your child’s early education?

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