How do they impact the developing child? EG how does parental availability influence the child?
You are required to research and write an essay on the sociology of childhood in Ireland.
Detailed Introduction and Background Information (20 marks)
An introduction to your project (This essay will explore/discuss/analyze how sociology….impacts ELC. I will begin by…)
The context for this project. (Where you work/worked. Children with needs? Social backgrounds? Diversity?)
Rationale of choice. (This is already included when you mention that this essay will explore/discuss/analyze….
Socialization (20 marks)
Social Agents (Things that affect the child from a social point of view EG Religion, parents, schools, culture, social class. Mention Bronfenbrenner)
Influences on the child (How do they impact the developing child? EG how does parental availability influence the child?)
Evidence of research and reading (NCCA, 2009)
Critical Analysis (20 marks)
Findings critically analyzed (Benefits and challenges to working with children and some of these social agents? Give pros and cons for YOUR setting/situation. Also, is Bronfenbrenner’s theory a good tool for measuring child development?