How big is it? How does its medium (material) affect the quality of the impression it gives? Is it naturalistic, idealistic, realistic, abstract, or a combination?
Select two works of art from the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art to write about.
- Unveiled! - Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art (
- Sam Moyer: Memory Mine - Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art (
You must visit this museum in order to have a personal experience with the characteristics of the particular works of art you choose to write about. You will describe the work of art in visual and historical terms, and should be sure to mention relevant aspects of its context.
The format will consist of a minimum of two pages of text, double-spaced, in a typewritten format. This should include both works of art you choose. Length: 2 to 3 pages typewritten, double-spaced and stapled. Margins 1", 12 pt. Times New Roman font
Works of Art: You will choose two works of art to write about - from two different exhibitions (one from one exhibition and the other from another exhibition, a total of two).
I. First identify the work of art:
- Title and artist, date (period, era, and year, depending on how much information is available), medium (what it is made of), size and where it is exhibited (the name of the museum).
- It is not necessary to illustrate your paper. In fact, your written description should be so complete that the reader (your instructor) can picture the work of art in her mind. Then ask yourself these questions while studying the work:
II. Identity
- Who is the artist or is the artist unknown?
- What period or style is it?
- Does the title help you interpret what you see?
- What is its subject matter?
III. Style
- How big is it? How does its medium (material) affect the quality of the impression it gives?
- What are its formal elements (elements of art and principles of design)?
- Two-Dimensional work: line, color, composition, etc.
- Is it naturalistic, idealistic, realistic, abstract, or a combination?
- How is the subject being depicted?
IV. Function/Symbolism (Often relates to cultural context)
- What was it used for? Why was it made?