Explore and describe how health economics and equity impact on the older person’s experience in accessing palliative care services specifically.


  1. Investigate and describe the barriers and enablers for older people regarding healthcare decision making.
  2. Explore and describe how health economics and equity impact on the older person’s experience in accessing palliative care services specifically.
  3. Drawing on contemporary literature and/or healthcare policy, discuss ethical and legal principles that are relevant to palliative care in older age; you may use examples from your own experience to illustrate key points.
  4. In thinking about the learning from this unit content and assessment, develop two (2) distinct strategies that nursing students could implement to engage with older people to promote choice in healthcare. These strategies are respectful of differing perspectives on health, ageing and death.
  5. Share reflective considerations related to key concepts raised in this assessment
  6. Use contemporary literature to support your analysis and discussion.

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