Explain how your intervention builds social capital. Provide specific examples. Explain your program/intervention in detail.

Pick an issue that effects a specific community in San Diego or a community you are familiar with. Examples include safety, foster care, drug prevention, homelessness, teen pregnancy, etc. Explain the issue, why it’s a community problem, and give evidence in detail (with research/data/statistics). 2. Design a macro intervention program that addresses the issue while building social capital and tapping the assets and strengths of the community. Explain how your intervention builds social capital. Provide specific examples. Explain your program/intervention in detail. You may create a brand-new program or replicate one as long as it does not already exist in your community and make sure to give credit to the program you are replicating.


Homelessness is a pressing issue affecting communities across the United States, including San Diego. In this essay, we will delve into the specific issue of homelessness in San Diego, highlighting its community-wide ramifications. Subsequently, we will present a macro intervention program designed to mitigate homelessness while simultaneously fostering social capital. The intervention program takes into account the existing community strengths and assets, aiming to create a sustainable solution to the problem.

Issue Description

Homelessness in San Diego

Homelessness in San Diego has reached critical proportions in recent years. According to a report by the San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless (2019), the city had over 8,000 homeless individuals in 2019, marking a 6.6% increase from the previous year. The issue is exacerbated by factors such as the high cost of living, limited affordable housing, and insufficient mental health services (National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2020). The problem of homelessness extends beyond those directly affected; it impacts public safety, community health, and overall quality of life.

Community Impact

The effects of homelessness are far-reaching and negatively impact various aspects of the San Diego community. Firstly, it poses safety concerns, as homeless individuals often resort to panhandling and petty crimes to survive. This can create an unsafe environment for residents and deter tourists, impacting the local economy (Smith et al., 2017). Secondly, homelessness leads to increased strain on public resources such as healthcare, emergency services, and law enforcement (San Diego County, 2020). This diversion of resources could be allocated more effectively for community development if homelessness were addressed comprehensively.

Evidence and Statistics

The severity of homelessness in San Diego is underscored by the following statistics:

According to the San Diego Housing Commission (2021), the number of unsheltered homeless individuals increased by 64% from 2017 to 2020.

A study by the National Coalition for the Homeless (2018) found that San Diego had one of the highest rates of unsheltered homeless individuals in the United States.

In 2021, San Diego ranked fifth among major U.S. cities with the highest homeless populations (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2021).

These statistics emphasize the urgency of addressing homelessness in San Diego.

Macro Intervention Program

Building Social Capital: Project HomeLink

The macro intervention program proposed here is Project HomeLink, a community-driven initiative aimed at addressing homelessness in San Diego while building social capital. Social capital refers to the network of relationships and trust within a community, which can be harnessed to solve problems collectively (Putnam, 2000).

Key Components of Project HomeLink

Housing First Approach: Project HomeLink adopts a Housing First approach, providing stable housing as the initial step in addressing homelessness. This approach has been proven effective in reducing homelessness and improving the overall well-being of individuals (Tsemberis, 2010).

Community Outreach: The program engages community members, local businesses, and volunteers to participate in outreach efforts. This fosters a sense of belonging and shared responsibility for solving homelessness.

Employment Opportunities: Project HomeLink collaborates with local businesses to create employment opportunities for homeless individuals. This not only provides income but also strengthens ties between the homeless and employed populations.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services: Comprehensive mental health and substance abuse services are integrated into the program, addressing underlying causes of homelessness.

Examples of Social Capital Building

Community Task Force: Project HomeLink establishes a task force comprising community leaders, residents, and experts. This task force meets regularly to discuss progress, share insights, and build consensus.

Community Gardens: Community members are encouraged to create and maintain community gardens where homeless individuals can participate. This fosters a sense of ownership and collaboration.

Local Business Partnerships: Local businesses are incentivized to hire homeless individuals, and the program facilitates job training and skill development.


Homelessness is a significant issue affecting the San Diego community. However, by implementing a macro intervention program like Project HomeLink, we can address homelessness while simultaneously building social capital. This innovative approach leverages community strengths and assets to create a more inclusive, compassionate, and thriving San Diego for all residents.

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