Discuss the factors that contribute to the escalation of plastic pollution in a Southeast Asian country of your choice and present solutions to mitigate this problem.
The criteria below detail the areas, which will be considered when the assignment is marked. Each piece of assessed work will be awarded a percentage between 0 and 100%. The grades awarded will be marked according to the following criteria:
This would be equivalent to a Distinction and would represent outstanding performance. The work should show a thorough understanding of the issue together with a high degree of analysis and critical evaluation.
This will be equivalent to a Credit. This would represent extremely good work demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the material and sound analysis and conclusions.
This would be equivalent to a Pass. Work in this category should demonstrate the good application of the main principles to the question set and provide a well-balanced view.
This would represent a failure to pass demonstrating a poor command of the knowledge of the subject area combined with an inability to interpret the question.