CM3100 Who are the publics/stakeholders addressed by this campaign? How does the campaign address them? What about other stakeholders not addressed?

Case Study

Executive Summary: An outline of the campaign and its origins, including a description of the problem or issue that gave rise to the campaign. The outline should also identify the aims and measurable COMMUNICATIONS OBJECTIVES of the campaign.

  • Stakeholders: Who are the publics/stakeholders addressed by this campaign? How does the campaign address them? What about other stakeholders not addressed?
  • Paid Media: This refers to paid media used for the campaign, i.e. advertising. What advertising is employed? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of the use of media?
  • Earned Media: This refers to the unpaid media coverage. How did the media impact the campaign? How have the campaign objectives been aligned with media/journalists’ needs?
  • Shared Media: How has social media been used for this campaign? How has it been targeted at particular stakeholders? How might the use of social media be used/improved?
  • Owned Media: What owned media were used in the campaign? What were the benefits and drawbacks/limitations of the use of this owned media for the campaign?
  • Images & Numbers: How have / might images and visualization been used in this campaign? How have / might numbers and statistics be used in this campaign?
  • Ethics: What ethical issues (relating to PR or communications) should be considered (or could be considered) in this campaign? How does / would the campaign address these?
  • Crisis Communications: How does / could this campaign be part of a crisis management strategy? What crises might arise and how should these be addressed with communications?
  • Measurement & Evaluation: How successful was the campaign and why? How might / should the success of this campaign (i.e. the achievements of the objectives) be evaluated and measured?