A) Choose one Early Childhood Curriculum. Detail the main elements of this curriculum (750 words).
B) Based on your detailed curriculum you are required to:
C) You should write up your activity as an academic essay. You should link your activity to your chosen curriculum. This must include detailing the Aistear theme, aim and learning goals of the chosen activity. Choose one theme that fits the plan most appropriately. You should also evaluate the activity. Did you achieve your aims? Did you achieve other aims? Detail how you would expand this activity based on your evaluation and the learning record of the child. (1,000 words)
Suggested headings for this section:
D) You must also reflect on your experience of the activity using the Gibbs reflective cycle. Use the headings from each stage to guide your reflection.
Each section is worth 25% Each section should be typed and uploaded as one document with sections clearly marked. Copies of the original planning sheets and learning record should be included with your hard copy.