CHC43315 Identify an external complaints organisation that is available to mental health care clients.


  1. What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
  2. Research the Declaration of Human Rights and complete the following table by listing at least three (3) rights and a situation where each one might be infringed.
  3. In some instances, you may be required to consult with colleagues and other service providers about your client’s circumstances.
  4. In your work, you are bound by different legislations that guide the development of the code of conduct you follow in the workplace.
  5. Provide an example of discrimination based on each of the following characteristics and a possible way to address and/or avoid the discriminatory action.
  6. You are working as a case worker in a mental health facility where you have a client attend an appointment with their husband, the primary carer. The client asks that they look at admission into a mental health facility, and the husband is arguing against this as an option.
  7. Briefly explain empowerment and disempowerment.
  8. Provide three examples to obtain feedback on your work performance to identify improvement areas.
  9. Explain the difference between a human right and a human need.
  10. Identify an external complaints organisation that is available to mental health care clients.
  11. Provide a brief description of duty of care.
  12. Identify five indicators a client has been physically abused.

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