Be able to develop a secured and functional database to meet client and system requirements.

D/617/3036 Advanced Database Management Systems, OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Information Technology

Aim: The aim of this unit is to develop learners` knowledge and skills of advanced database systems and how these systems are managed within a business or corporate environment. Learners will be able to make infomied choices between vendor and open source platforms for database management systems, and design and develop a relational DBMS for a client using an open source platfomi.

Learning Outcome 1: Understand different types of database management systems.
Learning Outcome 2: Be able to apply data analysis and database design techniques.
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to develop a secured and functional database to meet client and system requirements.

Case Scenario
You have recently been appointed as database designer for MaxRos Group in London. MaxRos Group is one of UK`s largest multi-player gaming platforms. MaxRos leverages their platform and technology capabilities across an extensive portfolio of businesses and brands to orchestrate the movement of people and the delivery of gaming experiences on a global scale. MaxRos Group`s portfolio ticks off everything from RPG (Role-playing game) and Real-Time Strategy (RTS) through to Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) with over 5,000 combinations to choose from.

You have joined as a senior database developer to manage MaxRos Group`s growing portfolio.

Task 1 Written Report
You line manager Emma Wilson wants to have a clear understanding of your knowledge of different types of database management systems. She has asked you to produce a written report which includes:


  1. Assess how relational database models and normalisation provide reliable and efficient databases.
  2. Critically compare a range of Database Modelling languages.
  3. Critically evaluate different database management systems available in relation to open source and vendor-specific platforms.
  4. Apply data modelling techniques to refine logical data requirements and normalize.
  5. Use a standard Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation to document logical data requirements.

Task 2 Lab demonstration
You line manager Emma was happy with your report and decided to give you a task to produce a demo relational database for their new project, Ultimate Garners `where they build innovative digital gaming solutions to engage online garners. You have to produce a database solution for them to manage huge volume of garners data.


  1. Using a suitable software, design and build a database structure.
  2. Demonstrate extracting data from the tables within your database.
  3. Apply table and field-level security to the database.
  4. Test the system for functionality and performance.
  5. Evaluate security risks to the database.

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