Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) facing the organisation based on properly referenced sources.

Principles of Marketing

The aim of the assessment is to enable you to apply the knowledge gained during the module and to analyse the service marketing issues affecting one organisation in a particular service sector.

You are required to choose an organisation which operates in the UK from any of the following service sectors:
• Marketing
• Retail
• Professional services
• Fashion
• Leisure
• Tourism
• Aviation
• Creative industries
• Financial services
• Education
• Not for Profit/Charity

As a company - write about DHL company.

A SWOT analysis must be related to the service marketing of the company.

To create the SWOT analysis you must use the most recent credible sources and websites and news. Include in-text citation and use Harvard style references. Make sure that core text books are included and reccomendation plus challanges relates to service marketing theory to provide fluency and flow in work.


You must produce a marketing report which includes the following in relation to your chosen organisation:

1. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) facing the organisation based on properly referenced sources.

2. Identification of the organisation`s key service marketing challenges (Weakness and Threats) for the next 3 years, drawing on secondary research and analysis.

3. Analyses the threats through the lens of theoretical principles of services marketing and provide recommendations to overcome challenges within the constraints of Strengths and Opportunities.

The report should be 1500 words maximum (without appendices). Please use tables and diagrams where possible to stay within the word count.

Having conducted a SWOT analysis of your chosen company you need to plan that two sections of the report to ensure it has a coherent and logical flow

1. Introduction to company (200 words)

2. SWOT analysis of company (450 words)

Review weakness and threats identified

Find two or three that are service marketing related

3. Key service marketing challenges (450 words *)

Discuss these two or three weaknesses anchor threats in relation to service marketing theory.

4. Recommendations (400 words*)

Make recommendations for these two or three weakness and/or threats based on service marketing module material.

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