5N1356 Do you think the superworm was a hero? What would you have done to help him get away from the lizard?

Circle Time

What is Circle time? A time in which the children are gathered (in the shape of a circle) to learn information together (talk about the calendar, the weather, current news, give a demonstration, sing songs, read a book, etc.).

Why a circle shape? To allow the children an equal view of each other and the person conducting the circle. And it allows the person conducting the circle a good view of all the children.


  • Children are invited to join circle time each morning to tell their news, talk about the weather by choosing the season of the year, and then pick out the type of weather we have on the particular day, this ranges from rainy, sunny, snowing, cloudy we also have rainbows, we do some songs then a story to tie in with what we are learning about in that particular week, so we are going to read Super-worm for story-time.
  • The Leader chooses her book of preference from the library. Children find their names on the chairs and sit down. The leader sits quietly on a chair as the children settle into their chosen space in a circle.
  • The leader reads the name of the book and author/illustrator. The book is held at shoulder level, and to the side so that all children in the group, and the leader, have a clear view of the book.
  • The Leader reads through the story, from start to finish. The Leader ensures she points out to the children the reading direction, from top to bottom, left to right. The Leader may animate her voice and facial expression to keep children engaged.
  • The Leader may respond to comments from the children but explain the importance of remaining quiet so that all children can hear the story.
  • On completing the story, the Leader closes the book and places it on her lap. She encourages discussion with an open question, e.g.  “Did you enjoy the story? Do you think the superworm was a hero? What would you have done to help him get away from the lizard?” Acknowledge all and any interest or comments from the children, both verbal and non-verbal. Encourage children to speak one at a time and not interrupt each other.
  • Close the work cycle. The Leader may express her enjoyment of the story and explain to the children that they may take the book from the shelf and look at the book in their own time. Ask one of the children to replace the book on the shelf. Children are then told to join the activity tables.

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