HRM2100: The Job Description (JD) And Job Specification (JS) Of The Job Title Stated :

  1. Do a research on the Job Description (JD) and Job Specification (JS) of the job title stated.
  2.  Select the JD and JS which covers complete information on the requirements of the job and the human behaviour.
  3. Use the JD and JS (which you have selected) to develop questionnaires for the position of the stated in the question.
  4. After completed your questionnaire, paraphrase your JD and JS in order to avoid high similarity percentage in the Safe Assign.
  5. Upon completion of your Questionnaire, JD and JS, check for your setting in paragraphing, grammatical errors, font size, font type, and etc.
  6. You have unlimited times to check before submission and THREE (3) attempts when submitting your assignment.
  7. Once you have obtained the similarity percentage which you are satisfy, screen shot your similarity percentage and paste at the last page of the assignment. TWO (2) marks will be deducted if you did not do so.
  8.  Include the assignment cover page and rubric (as page 1 and page 2) when you submit your assignment. This means that your work begins from page 3. If you fail to include the cover page and rubric, TWO (2) marks will be deducted.