Discuss the type of resources required to successfully implement the changes in the organisation.

The management team of a company decided to undertake organisational change management strategies to improve the current state of operations across all departments and units in the organisation. They then developed a comprehensive plan for the change initiative, which included clear goals, timelines, and metrics for success. They also communicated the plan to all stakeholders, including employees, customers and shareholders to ensure buy–in and alignment. As the change initiative progressed, the team managing the change initiatives faced many challenges.

Employees were resistant to change and had many internal conflicts and power struggles. However, the leader remained and worked tirelessly to address these issues. Training and support were provided to employees to help them adjust to the changes and communicated with stakeholders to ensure transparency and trust. In the end, the organisational change initiative was a success.

The company became more agile, efficient and customer-focused focused and it regained its competitive edge in the industry. The employees also benefitted from the changes, as they were now working in a more supportive and collaborative environment.

Sources: Nancy R. Baldiga (2005), “Opportunity and Balance: Is Your Organization Ready to Provide Both?” Journal of Accountancy, Vol. 199, Iss. 5, pp. 39–45. Adapted from “Emerging Changes in Business in 2011” (August 2010) 

Answer the following questions.

  1. Discuss the strategies of change initiatives and how do they align with overall vision of the company(support with relevant academic literature).
  2. Discuss who are the key stakeholders that will be affected by the changes and what strategies can be used to communicate effectively (support with relevant academic literature).
  3. Discuss the type of resources required to successfully implement the changes in the organisation. (support with relevant academic literature).
  4. Discuss the importance of leadership in managing potential challenges and barriers to change and how they can be mitigated. (Support with relevant academic literature).