Whether you are in the early stages of your career or are looking to transition into a new one, an informational interview is a great way to find out more about an industry, company, or role you are interested in.
[It is not a job interview but an Opportunity to speak candidly with a professional and gain an insight into their work life. It >, allows you to get a sense of what a general workday looks like and the typical responsibilities they have in their role. be, and I You can also learn more about the company they work for how it operates, what challenges it faces, and what the eo .’y 7 workplace culture is like. Ultimately, the interview can help you to establish whether the profession or company is a he teoe good fit for you and if so, how you might get to a similar position.
In addition to this, it’s a great way to practice your interview skills, Make a valuable new connection, or potentially even Find a new mentor.
‘For an informational interview to be valuable, it has to be with someone who works in a role, company, or industry that is aligned with your career goals, so think carefully about who to reach out to. Make use of your existing network: you may have a friend, family member, or other acquaintance in a relevant. role: that you could speak to or ask your network if they can help connect you to someone. Sometimes, it may be beneficial to cold call or email relevant SG 3 _ companies and ask whether they can put you in contact with the appropriate person. Social media platforms such as Linkedin and Twitter are also great. reaching out directly to more specific people.
Whether emailing or calling, keep your request short and to the point, explaining what you’re looking for and how you think they can help. If they’re not… interested, don’t pursue it. If they’re okay to help you, ask whether a phone, video call, or email conversation is best and arrange a suitable time. Remember (=
a ‘that they are doing you a favor, so be accommodating.
Here are some tips to help you prepare for the interview and get the most out of it: