A241 SQQSK101 What is the most suitable data collection method for this type of study



  1. Group Member: Each team should have four to five members, including one appointed leader. Every team member must actively contribute to the entire assignment. If the leader notices any lack of participation from any team member, promptly report it to the lecturer for appropriate action, which may include a deduction of marks.
  2. Follow the Assignment Instructions in PART B. Please ensure that you follow the given instructions closely when working on your group assignment. Everyone in the group must understand and adhere to the guidelines to achieve the best possible outcome.


This assignment contributes 40% of your overall marks. Your group will be evaluated using a marks scheme (32%) and rubrics (8%). Please refer to Appendix 1 for the rubrics.


  1. Submission File: Excel File (Data & Analysis) and PDF file (Report)
  2. Submission Platform: Upload the documents into UUM OL. The file names (Excel and PDF) should follow this format: Semester-Course Code-Group –Team. Example: A241-SQQSK1013-LTeam 1. Your lecturer will provide further instructions.
  3. Submission Date: The deadline is divided into several stages as follows:
Activity Due Date
Complete fill up the e-form 31 Oct 2024 (Week 4)
Upload clean data 9 Nov (Week 5)
Upload analysis outcome 1 Dec 2024 (Week 7)
Upload report 7 Dec 2024 (Week 8)


Read the following Case Study:

Title: Analysis of Sleeping Duration Patterns among Students

Sleep is a fundamental biological necessity in sustaining physical health, mental well-being, and cognitive function. For university students, however, maintaining regular sleep patterns can be particularly challenging due to the pressures of academic responsibilities, social commitments, and lifestyle habits. These factors often contribute to irregular sleep schedules and, in many cases, chronic sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation among students is a growing concern, as it has been linked to a range of adverse outcomes, including impaired concentration, weakened memory, mood disturbances, and a decrease in overall academic performance.

This group assignment will investigate sleep deprivation among university students, examining how gender, social media status, and screen time habits influence sleep quality and quantity. Additionally, this assignment will identify key factors contributing to sleep deprivation and its effects, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between these influences and sleep habits.

This case study led to the following research objectives:

  •      To describe the respondent profile.
  •      To discover the pattern of night sleeping duration among students.
  •      To examine reasons associated with sleep deprivation.
  •      To analyse the effect of sleep deprivation on students’ sleep quality and quantity.

Your group will conduct a study based on the research objectives. The instructions for performing the study are presented in stages: STAGE 1, STAGE 2, and STAGE 3.

The variables that will be studied in this assignment are the following:

  •    Gender
  •    Status as a social media user
  •    Average hours of sleep per night
  •    Average hours of screen time using handphone/tab a day
  •    Average minutes taken to fall asleep
  •    The main reason that causes sleep deprivation
  •    Physical symptoms of sleep deprivation
  •    Impact on academic performance
  •    Impact on mood


  1. Each group member must complete the e-form. The data collected is based on your demographic background, cause of sleep deprivation, and effect of sleep deprivation.
  1. Generate 100 random numbers and use those numbers to select 100 respondents from the collected data in part (1). Perform the data cleaning or transformation if needed. Save your data in Ms. Excel. Name the file based on the following example:
    Group L-Team 1.


  1. What type of data resource is in this study? Justify your answer. (3 marks)
  2. Select FOUR (4) variables and identify the type of variables (qualitative/quantitative) and their measurement scale. (8 marks) 
  3. What is the most suitable data collection method for this type of study? Provide
    TWO (2) advantages and justification. (5 marks)


The data analysis stage will be conducted based on the objectives outlined for this study. You can choose suitable variables and techniques to achieve the objective based on the following questions. Use MS Excel or any statistical software to perform the analysis. Please be reminded that the interpretations and conclusions must relate to the objective.

Objective 1: To describe the respondent profile

  1. Describe the respondents’ background using a suitable table and graph. (9 marks)

Objective 2: To discover the pattern of sleeping duration among students.

  1. Choose ONE (1) most appropriate quantitative variable in the study to present the students’ sleep patterns. Justify your answer. (2 mark)
  1. a) Analyse the pattern of sleeping duration among students using
  •  A suitable graph (4 marks)   
  •   All central tendency measures (6 marks )
  • THREE (3) dispersion measureme (6 marks)
  • Skewness coefficient and state the shape of the data distribution. (3 marks)
  •  What can you conclude about the pattern of sleeping duration among students? (2 marks)

b) Based on Question 5, generate a frequency distribution table. Use Sturges’ rule to identify the number of classes and find all central tendency measures based on the frequency table. (14 marks)

c) Which mean is more accurate, the mean obtained in Question 6(a)(ii) or the mean obtained in Question 6(b)? Justify your answer. (3 marks)

d) Based on the table in Question 6(b), construct a histogram and estimate the mode. (6 marks)

e) Compare your results in Question 6(a)(ii) and Question 6(d). Which mode is more accurate? Justify your answer. (3 marks) 

7. a)    Analyse the sleeping duration based on gender using boxplots. (8marks)

b) Based on the shapes of the data distribution shown in Question 7(a), choose the most suitable measure of central tendency to summarize the sleeping duration data  Justify your answer . (4marks)

c) By comparing the sleeping duration between females and males, what can you conclude?  (2 marks)

Objective 3: To examine reasons associated with sleep deprivation

 8.  Sleep deprivation is commonly associated with academic workload, personal stress, use of electronic devices before bed, physical social activities, health issues, and consume caffeine or energy drinks.

  1. Construct a frequency table to describe the main reason that causes sleep deprivation. (3 marks)
  2. Construct a suitable graph based on Question 8(a). (4 marks)
  3. Interpret the result. (1 mark)
  4. Construct ONE (1) frequency table (crosstab) with a percentage and suitable graph of “The main reason that causes sleep deprivation” by “Social media status. (8 marks)
  5. Based on Question 8(d), explain the association between the two variables.  (2 marks)
  6. Choose TWO (2) quantitative variables that affect the sleeping duration pattern. Find the mean and standard deviation for the two chosen quantitative variables. (8 marks)
  7. Based on the results in Question 8(f), calculate the coefficient of variations. Compare and conclude the results. (6 marks)