What was the first thing that Dr. Montessori requires of a Montessori Directress?


  1. Write a brief account of how the life and work of Dr. Montessori influenced you.
  2. What was the first thing that Dr. Montessori requires of a Montessori Directress?
  3. Give 3 Philosophers that influenced Maria Montessori’s work in a big way.
  4. Explain the “Planes of Development “ and briefly describe who they refer to and what is going on at each stage.
  5. Explain the 3-period lesson with an example from Sensorial Curriculum
  6. What is meant by “prepared environment “?
  7. Why must a guide make the environment a priority?
  8. Dr. Montessori asks us to ‘Follow the child”. What did she mean by this and explain how this will influence your work with children
  9. Explain in detail why Observation is very important in Montessori
  10. Define the Absorbent mind and how it works in 0-3 and 3-6 sub-planes
  11. Explain what Dr. Montessori says about liberty and discipline in Chapter 12 of The Montessori Method.


  1. Describe Montessori’s purpose behind the creation and inclusion of the Practical Life area in the Montessori environment.
  2. How are Human Tendencies, as described by Mario Montessori, developed through the exercises of Practical Life?
  3. Describe three of the sensitivities of children in the primary plane of development and how these sensitivities are supported within the exercises of Practical Life.
  4. Describe the Teacher-Student-Environment relationship in terms of developing exercises within the Practical Life for a particular child.
  5. What are the principles of a prepared environment?
  6. How is the Practical Life area arranged to support normalization?
  7. What do ALL Practical Life lessons have as their Direct Aim?
  8. Name the seven main categories of Practical Life.
  9. Describe the cultural considerations of Practical Life exercises and give an example of a culturally based exercise that may differ between cultures.
  10. Name and describe five design characteristics of Practical Life materials.
  11. Describe the basic elements of the Fundamental Lesson in terms of preparing and presenting Practical Life exercises.
  12. Describe the importance of crossing the midline and explain how practical life exercises support this development.
  13. How do the exercises of Practical Life support gross and fine motor development and support the child’s need for freedom of movement?
  14. Name 3 exercises in Practical Life that support fine motor development and describe how the exercise provides support.
  15. Name 3 exercises in Practical Life that support gross motor development and describe how the exercise provides support.
  16. Name the four sub-categories of Control of Movement and provide an example exercise from each.
  17. Describe the importance of Grace and Courtesy and give two ways of how it is implemented in the Montessori Practical Life area specifically.
  18. Describe what a teacher must do to ensure that she, the child, and the environment are successfully prepared for Care of Environment and Care of Self exercises that involve water.
  19. Describe and explain the similarities and differences between “Food Preparation” and “Snack Work” within the Montessori Practical Life area.
  20. Describe the importance of art exercises in the Montessori Practical Life area and provide exercise examples that support your points.


  1. The overarching goal of the Montessori Language Curriculum is to create a literate person. What are the four areas focused on in the Language Curriculum that aid in building a literate person?
  2. Describe two ways to support a child’s oral language development in the Montessori environment.
  3. Describe how children’s literature is used in the Montessori environment.
  4. Describe one lesson in Critical Task I: Need to master basic spoken language.
  5. What is the first Direct Aim of the Object Boxes (Jars); when and how are the boxes (jars) introduced?
  6. What is the Direct Aim of three-part cards?
  7. What is the direct aim of a figure ground in the language area?
  8. What are the two forms of sequencing lessons in Critical Task III: need to learn the concept of pattern and sequence…?
  9. Describe the Object Box/jar Sequence of Presentation in Critical Task IV: Need to blend discrete sounds into words?
  10. What are Key Cards? Why were Key Cards first introduced? How are the Key Cards used with the Movable Alphabet?
  11. What are the two Direct Aims of the Sandpaper Letters?
  12. Describe the direct aim of the Metal Insets and how the sequence aids in developing hand control.
  13. Name two Montessori Language Lessons that support the learning of non-phonetic sight words.
  14. Briefly describe the stances of writing development.
  15. Describe two lessons that allow children to practice building CVC words.
  16. What are the steps involved in Journal Writing?
  17. Which Montessori Language Lessons allow children to practice blending sounds into words?
  18. How is grammar first introduced? Orally or in written form?
  19. Describe what a Grammar Pattern Card is and one way it can be used.
  20. Describe one Montessori Language that provides children with practice composing meaningful written sentences.