What is my thesis arguing? Is it an arguable claim? Does it indicate what the focus of my analysis throughout the essay will be?

Here is the checklist for the essay and I will provide links on prompts.
Citations must be from the book/poems.

Essay 1 Checklist
What Is Expected in Your Paper
In addition to have a tutor review your paper, review it yourself a few times. Pay particular attention to the following elements; these are what I focus on when I am grading your paper:

Make sure you have a clear and focused central argument in response to the prompt. Ask yourself, What is my thesis arguing? Is it an arguable claim? Does it indicate what the focus of my analysis throughout the essay will be?
Avoid several different claims in your intro. You should have one central claim in your intro that is expressed in a focused thesis statement.
In the body of your essay, make sure you have focused main ideas that develop the argument in the thesis.
Structure and Organization
Make sure the body paragraphs are logically organized (a sequence that makes sense according to your thesis). There should be a logical reason why your first paragraph is first, second paragraph second, etc. Use appropriate transitions that show how the body paragraphs are related to each other in idea. Avoid saying simply “First,” “Second,” and the like.
Make sure each body paragraph has a topic sentence that expresses the paragraph’s main idea (the point you are making in that paragraph). Each body paragraph should focus on only one main idea, and all sentences in the paragraph should relate to that main idea.
Use the “Essay Outline Template” (posted in the Handouts folder in Files) to check that your essay has structure, an appropriate introduction and thesis, topic sentences that express your main ideas, and an interesting conclusion.
Review the “Literature Essays” powerpoint.
Support your ideas with passages from the text (provide citations). Interpret and analyze passages, and explain your points.
Avoid excessive plot summaries (what happens). Tell readers what happens in the story only when needed as context for a point you are making. The focus and emphasis should be on your point, not on what happens in the story.
Review the handouts on using, integrating, and citing sources.
Grammar and Language
Proofread to check the grammar and language is suitable for an academic essay. Read it aloud to yourself a couple of times.
Avoid weak sentences. Each sentence should make a relevant and worthwhile point. Ask yourself, What point am I making in this sentence?
Avoid awkward sentences (cumbersome to read).
Vary sentence structures.
Use transitions within the paragraphs for coherence. The paragraph should flow smoothly from sentence to sentence, and sentences should clearly be related to each other.
Length & Quotation Percentage
A complete essay is at least 1000 words.
More than 20% quotation is too much. Turnitin’s Originality Report (in red) tells you how much quotation you have. Remember, you can overwrite a submission as long as the due date hasn’t passed.
Please note: A paper that does not meet the word count will not receive a passing grade.Essay 1 Checklist
What Is Expected in Your Paper
In addition to have a tutor review your paper, review it yourself a few times. Pay particular attention to the following elements; these are what I focus on when I am grading your paper:

Make sure you have a clear and focused central argument in response to the prompt. Ask yourself, What is my thesis arguing? Is it an arguable claim? Does it indicate what the focus of my analysis throughout the essay will be?
Avoid several different claims in your intro. You should have one central claim in your intro that is expressed in a focused thesis statement.
In the body of your essay, make sure you have focused main ideas that develop the argument in the thesis.
Structure and Organization
Make sure the body paragraphs are logically organized (a sequence that makes sense according to your thesis). There should be a logical reason why your first paragraph is first, second paragraph second, etc. Use appropriate transitions that show how the body paragraphs are related to each other in idea. Avoid saying simply “First,” “Second,” and the like.
Make sure each body paragraph has a topic sentence that expresses the paragraph’s main idea (the point you are making in that paragraph). Each body paragraph should focus on only one main idea, and all sentences in the paragraph should relate to that main idea.
Use the “Essay Outline Template” (posted in the Handouts folder in Files) to check that your essay has structure, an appropriate introduction and thesis, topic sentences that express your main ideas, and an interesting conclusion.
Review the “Literature Essays” powerpoint.
Support your ideas with passages from the text (provide citations). Interpret and analyze passages, and explain your points.
Avoid excessive plot summaries (what happens). Tell readers what happens in the story only when needed as context for a point you are making. The focus and emphasis should be on your point, not on what happens in the story.
Review the handouts on using, integrating, and citing sources.
Grammar and Language
Proofread to check the grammar and language is suitable for an academic essay. Read it aloud to yourself a couple of times.
Avoid weak sentences. Each sentence should make a relevant and worthwhile point. Ask yourself, What point am I making in this sentence?
Avoid awkward sentences (cumbersome to read).
Vary sentence structures.
Use transitions within the paragraphs for coherence. The paragraph should flow smoothly from sentence to sentence, and sentences should clearly be related to each other.
Length & Quotation Percentage
A complete essay is at least 1000 words.
More than 20% quotation is too much.

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