PART A: The shoulder girdle and shoulder joint work together to produce movement in the upper-extremity.
Using approximately 400 words, describe scapulohumeral movement, or synergy, that takes place with the shoulder joint and girdle. What muscles are acting to create these motions?
What could happen if this synergy did not occur?
Include at least two scholarly references (using APA formatting and style) to guide your answers.
PART B: Every day we open and close a door but how often do you think about the motions that actually take place?
Using approximately 400words, describe which motions and muscles in the right elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand are responsible for turning a doorknob clockwise and pushing open a door.
What if the motion was reversed and you had to turn the knob counter-clockwise and pull open the door?
Include at least two scholarly references (using APA formatting and style) to guide your answers.
Muscles that cross the both the hip and knee can affect the mobility of either of the joints.
Using approximately 400 words, describe how and why maintaining the position of full knee extension limits the ability to maximally flex the hip both actively and passively.
Does maintaining excessive hip flexion limit the ability to accomplish full knee extension?
Consequently, describe how and why maintaining the position of full knee flexion limits the ability to maximally extend the hip both actively and passively.
Does maintaining excessive hip extension limit the ability to accomplish full knee flexion?
Include at least two scholarly references (using APA formatting and style) to guide your answers.