For Assignment 1, address the topic directly throughout your essay with ONE clear focus rather than compiling various less directly related examples and multiple similarities or differences:
1. Close reading essay (see description below): Compare the connection between wealth and crime in Obsidian (by Thomas King) and When No One is Watching by Alyssa Cole (2020). What do King and Cole support or critique about the impact or role of wealth in relation to crime in a broader sense or murder more specifically?
How so or why is this shown? Your examination should compare similar things and contexts. Aim to be specific in identifying ONE main difference or important overlap; avoid including several similarities and/or differences as this will likely result in a descriptive hamburger essay without a clear focus.
This means focusing on what exactly in these novels helps the criminals plan and execute their crimes and/or how the detectives are able to uncover this and/or bring the culprits to justice, whether in full or part or not quite.
A close reading essay in which you focus in detail on a specific aspect of course texts.
1. This kind of essay will include a lot of quotations and analysis of the course texts.
2. We practice this in the close reading posts and the modules also include examples.
3. You can check the Useful Links section for additional resources on close reading.
4. No additional research should be included with this essay option (the focus is just on the course texts).
Note that English papers generally:
✔️ include a thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph that takes a position and explains “so what?” or how this is shown and why it matters (a thesis should be debatable rather than a statement of fact or observation and it should have one focus rather than list three things)
✔️ include developed body paragraphs that directly support the thesis (a good length is half to no more than a full double-spaced page with a standard 12-point font)
✔️ include transitions between paragraphs to connect sub-arguments (but no subheadings in such short papers since these will generally fragment your writing)
✔️ end with a conclusion in which you explain how well you supported your thesis (there’s no need to repeat content but you should tie everything together)
✔️ use MLA formatting correctly with in-text citations that match the first thing listed in the Works Cited page citations