what did you learn about your style of leadership? What would you do differently?

Focus on one specific group or team experience (project team, club, job, etc.)
We did a coffee-shop simulation team project, you could talk about that. Details will be uploaded soon.
The paper should be about people interacting with one another, experiencing conflict, making decisions, resolving issues, etc.
Tell a story – there should be some tension and it should be thought provoking
USE COURSE CONCEPTS – if the paper looks like something you could have written before you took this class, you’re probably missing the point
Treat this almost like a mini business case: describe (very briefly) the situation, the key players, and the central issue or problem; and then analyze the case using concepts from the course. Some questions you might think about as you reflect on your experiences (these are certainly not the only questions you might look at, and you don’t need to address any or all of them – it’s your paper):

• Frame the problem – what is the core of the issue? What is the tension?
• Did your team have any conflict? How did you handle it? What were the consequences?
• Do you think your team was prone to any of the decision-making errors we talked about in class?
• Did you learn anything about your own style in terms of what kind of strengths and weaknesses you have as a team member? How would you change your style?
• If you were a leader, what did you learn about your style of leadership? What would you do differently?
• Who was most influential in your team interactions and why?
• Was your experience a good one for you personally? Were you satisfied/motivated? Did you experience growth or development because of this experience? Why or why not?
• Was your experience a good one for your team (was your team effective)? Why or why not?

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