Part 1 The World: Theory - meet the K1 learning outcomes:
Critical understanding of global entrepreneurship issues and challenges.
Task: You are required to meet the K1 learning outcome - Critical understanding of global entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability issues and challenges.
The structure of your work should follow a journal article, literature review chapter, business report format or a creative format agreed with the module leader or tutor, for example, a blog. All these possible formats should be underpinned with academic rigour. Please refer to the University of Sunderland Undergraduate Assessment Criteria.
Thematic Options
After exploring and researching the key issues and challenges introduced/debated in the workshops, you should research one of the eleven options A - K.
Select the option of interest to you and then contextualise a question to meet the learning outcome K1. You should liaise with the module leader or tutor to ensure you are on the right track regarding the University of Sunderland Generic Assessment Criteria: Relevancy, Knowledge, Analysis, Argument and Structure, Critical Evaluation, Presentation, and Relevance to Literature.
The UGB 362 My Module Resources – University of Sunderland Library, contains journal articles, empirical studies, and other case studies which will allow you to explore and research the area/s of interest.
Part 2 - Our Global World: Group presentation
Working in groups of no less than 3 and no more than 5 you are required to a critical appraisal of a micro-enterprise project-based activity through active research, innovation, development.
On behalf of your group, you will be required 20 minutes group presentation (15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes of questions) which reflects your research findings and supported recommendations- meeting K2 learning outcome and S1, S2, and S3.
Please note that your group theme should reflect a global or local impact. You must contact your tutor for assistance or clarification.
In addition, your group is required to submit a group reflective report addressing how your group worked together and lessons learned. You must support your collective commentary with suitable references on learning behaviour and group dynamics. It is important to note that you will not be hindered in your grade attainment if you identify conflict situations and how you would address these in the future (i.e. learned experience.
Part 3 - My Global World:
Reflection meeting K3 learning outcome - Critical reflection of entrepreneurial theories, concepts, and techniques.
Over your time as an undergraduate, you have been introduced to reflexive and experiential learning theories. You are required to document your experiential andreflective learning, for example: