The reflective ePortfolio assignment provides an opportunity for you to critically reflect on your learning process in this module, Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain,


The reflective ePortfolio assignment provides an opportunity for you to critically reflect on your learning process in this module, Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain, in relation to your professional practice. The work you complete for the challenge, reflection and other activities feeds into your ePortfolio entries, helping to consolidate your learning. A Word template (see below) is provided to help structure your ePortfolio, with three major sections:

At the start of the module, you will be prompted to reflect on your current practice, knowledge and feelings towards logistics and supply chain management. This contributes to the Introduction section in the ePortfolio.

At the end of weeks 2, 5, 8 and 12, you will be prompted to reflect on your learning so far and how it relates to your own professional context. This contributes to four reflection entries in your ePortfolio. You must support your reflection entries with your work produced in this module, for example:

Forum activities, including peer discussion and feedback

Challenge activities

Topic-based reflection tasks

Webinar activities

Reference to the module content – resources, guided practice etc

Independent research

Images (no more than three per entry)

We encourage you to be as creative as possible, for example providing visual aid and drawing from your work and experience. Bear in mind that this is an academic assignment -- more guidance on academic policies, penalties and reflective writing are provided below. You are required to provide at least a total of between five and 10 academic references in your ePortfolio.

As you build your ePortfolio, it is helpful to consider the Module Critical Reflection section too, which is a critical reflection of your module learning process as a whole, including your four reflection entries, relating back to your professional practice and determining what your next steps should be. You will be formally prompted to do this towards the end of the module.


You may find the following resources helpful for this assignment:

Topic breakdown of the module – refer to the Module Map page the module

Notes on critical reflection – refer to the On Critical Reflection page in the module

Guidance on reflective writing – see the Skills Team’s Critical Writing Guide

Guidance on how to make academic references – see the Skills Team’s Referencing Guide

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