The main objective of the project is to design the solar powered charging station with the solar powered smart grid in the remote area.

Question: The main objective of the project is to design the solar powered charging station with the solar powered smart grid in the remote area.

The particular electric vehicle brand should be selected and the report should be based on that. The software used is PVsyst in which the design of the project is to be done and its calculations.

The charging station is for the fleet of 10 cars. we should mainly focus on the cost reduction, carbon emissions occurring due to fleet of cars.

This project should mainly focus on the fast charging of the car. we can choose any electric vehicle brand and work on it we should contain external battery for backup.

The research methods should also be done accordingly.

Assessment Description

Aims and Plan of project

Background and preliminary literature review

Research Method and approach

Guidelines for the preparation of the dissertation

Purpose of the dissertation:To document all major aspects of the project.

Length: 10,000 - 15,000 words.

The title of the report should be short, descriptive and objective.

Writing Style
The style of writing adopted should generally be objective, formal, impersonal and written in the third person, past tense. The work should be reported clearly and concisely, arranging points relevant to the argument and omitting non-essential matter. The report should be written so as to be comprehensible both to the specialist and to those with only general knowledge. The student should aim to write for his/her peers, rather than the general public.

In accordance with MS Word default.

Font and page style
This is your and your supervisor`s preference, although Arial or Calibri is suggested. A 12pt font is recommended for the majority of the text. Different fonts may be used as necessary for mathematical expressions or emphasis. Pages should be printed on both sides. Line spacing is the preference of you and your supervisor. New chapters should be started on a new page on an odd numbered page (i.e. the right hand page if the dissertation is printed).

Report Contents
The main body of the report should be organised into logical sections as follows:

Title Page - please prepare a title page. The information to include in this is at the end of this document.

Preface - again, please see the end of this document for the wording to use.


The abstract should succinctly summarise the entire report (including the conclusions) and should be limited to a maximum of one page. It is recommended that you complete this when you have finished writing your whole dissertation.

Table of contents, with page numbers, so that material is easy to locate.

Index of tables - if required.

Index of figures - if required.

Glossary of terms and abbreviations (if applicable)

Chapter 1: Introduction
Background to the problem, importance and relationship of the work to previous work etc. This should summarise both the academic motivations for your work and the industrial motivations if your project has been based at an organisation. Your project aims and objectives should also be clearly stated here.

Chapter 2: Literature review
This should cover the main sources of academic literature and demonstrate the academic motivation for your work. Use APA referencing style. It is critical you adequately and correctly reference your work. University has extensive resources to guide you on how to correctly reference.

Chapter 3: Methodology
This should cover the methodological approach to the work and highlight the research techniques and / or experimental techniques adopted. If your project is an analysis of existing data, a methodological approach for the analysis is required.

The number and headings of subsequent chapters are at you and your supervisor`sdiscretion, however you need to include the following topics:

- Your experimental design approach / or data collection and /or analysis approach, including how you intend the display and analyse your results or outcomes.

- The outcome or results of your work

- Discussion of Outcomes and/or Results
These should be discussed critically. Experimental and theoretical errors should be assessed or measured and should be incorporated in the results. Results should be compared with those predicted theoretically and their reliability assessed in the light of the estimated errors.

- Critique
Critically compare your achievements, the project outcomes and actual timings of the plan of work with the original specification. Discuss and comment on discrepancies.
(Costing, discuss the costing of the project if appropriate.)

- Conclusions & Further Work
These should be based upon the work described in the report. Recommendations should be included. This should include a review of how and where your work contributes to the existing body of knowledge in this area. Conclusions should not contain any new technical matter.

References must be correctly cited both in the text of the report and in the reference section, using SHU`s house style of the APA method. Referencing is a process which requires significant attention to detail and concentration. Errors in referencing are considered a serious problem. It is very important to ask for guidance on referencing if problems exist or if you are unsure about how to present and use their references.

As required. Published data should not normally be included as appendices. Advice should be sought from supervisors where a question arises as to what should be included in an appendix for a particular report. Try to minimise the content of appendices as far as possible. It it`s important enough, it should be in the main report.

General points applicable to the whole report


Chapters should be numbered sequentially and the use of sub-headings is recommended. These should also be number sequentially, e.g.1.1, 1.2 etc., may also be used. Figures, tables, displayed equations and appendices should also be numbered consecutively. This may be done on a chapter-by-chapter basis or on a complete report basis.

Diagrams and Tables
Figures should be titled and be numbered consecutively in the report (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). They should be cited and referenced if they are from a secondary source. Tables should be titled and numbered and referenced (if necessary) in the same way (Table 1, Table 2, etc.).

The physical quantities, units and numerical quantities should follow the SI system (International System of Units) whenever possible. When other units are used (e.g. BTU, BHP etc.) then the use of these units must be justified. If non SI units are used then great care must be taken to ensure the reader is aware of the fact.

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