The analysis of the case of Mr Roy Jacobs should relate to a human factor (one) that led to missed recognition of deterioration and a strategy

Brief task description

This assignment has two parts Part

One requires students to demonstrate engagement in the learning via completion of the embedded Modules 1-6 asynchronous/ synchronous learning activities associated with the coronial case of Mr Roy Jacobs (Queensland Coroner 2017) specifically Modules 1-6.

Part Two requires students to provide a short analysis of the coronial case of Mr Roy Jacobs (Queensland Coroner 2017). The analysis of the case of Mr Roy Jacobs should relate to a human factor (one) that led to missed recognition of deterioration and a strategy (one) to prevent this from occurring again from the perspective of a Registered Nurse within their scope of practice whilst caring for Mr Jacobs. Stunts must specifically link current and relevant Australian literature to their analysis.

Comprehensive details of the required task can be found in the ‘Task Information’ section of this document and the assignment marking rubric provided on the course study desk under ‘Assessments’.

Part 1 details

To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to complete all the following.

Access study desk Modules 1-6 content  Students are to access and complete Modules 1-6 and attempt on study desk BEFORE submitting the Case Study 1. Full marks will be allocated for accessing and attempting all Modules 1-6 content.

Students will be able to visualise completion of activities within the modules to help them keep on track and ensure all aspects are completed.

No access and attempt to complete activities within modules 1-6 before submission will result in no marks allocated for this task.

Part 2 details

To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to complete all the following.

Analysis  Students are to analyse one Human Factor (cognitive, competency or organisational) from the Inquest of Roy Rodney Jacobs that led to the missed opportunity to detect deterioration. This focused analysis should specifically relate to the Registered Nurse’s role in recognition of deterioration and should provide one strategy that would prevent this from occurring if in a similar patient interaction within their scope of practice whilst caring for Mr Jacobs. (NB A summary of the case is not required nor necessary for this assessment.

  1. The analysis should commence with a focus on one Human Factor chosen from the case - cognitive, competency, or organisational (covered in modules 1-6). from the perspective of the Registered Nurse in relation to the Inquest of Roy Rodney Jacobs This should be approximately 200 words and does not need to summarise the case nor include an introduction or conclusion.
  2. Students should include a discussion of the types of missed assessments /missed opportunity? considered important from the Registered Nurse in recognition of deterioration specific to caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This should be approximately 200 words and does not need to summarise the case nor include an introduction or conclusion.
  3. Lastly students should provide one strategy that could be implemented to risk mitigate the missed opportunity chosen from the case that relates to and demonstrates knowledge of the Registered Nurse’s responsibility and accountability for detecting and responding to acute deterioration. In this discussion students should consider the National Safety and Quality in Healthcare Standard – Partnering with Consumers Standard and reflect upon ‘if the health service were to work with Mr Jacobs’s family what other strategy (other than those recommended by the QLD Coroner) could they put in place to prevent another similar incident occurring?’

The discussions must be supported by relevant and contemporary literature including journal articles and relevant legislative and health policy and guideline documents. It is expected that a minimum of 3 journal articles will be used.