Stan has a clear outline of wanting to pursue psychology and social work in education showing he has ambitions in his life and a clear idea of where he wants to go. In his therapy, the person-centered approach was used where Stan would talk about his life and his perception of reality in a self-report over doing a diagnosis or assessment to understand his internal frame of reference.
Stan is very motivated and has clear goals to reach, he wants to change his toxic behaviors like alcohol and drug addiction his reached his limit and has enough anxiety from his experiences to make the necessary changes. The therapist using the person-centered approach with this knowledge has complete faith in Stan’s ability to grow and reach his desired outcomes with his inner strength from within. Stan is encouraged to talk about his past self and compare it with the person he wants to become including his fear of failure, addiction, sexual failure, fear of women, and his suicidal ideation.
The environment must be safe and non-judgmental with Unconditional positive regard to allow Stan to open up about his issues and heal. The therapists must not just focus on what Stan says but also on his body language, tone, and mannerisms when speaking. With Accurate Empathy, the therapist will try to relate to and understand Stans’s pain and life.
With positive regard, the therapist hopes Stan will drop his self-defense mechanisms and open up to her to explore his trauma. Stan sees himself as worthless, his dream is to be loved even, and though he feels no one will love him his hopes are to build relationships with others, especially women.
Stan wants to have the confidence he sees others have and wants to stop apologizing for being himself. Deep down Stan feels his below others yet feels hopeful things can change. The therapist aims to create friendly, calm, honest, and non-judgmental therapy sessions with Stan to improve his self-esteem and prove he has the skills to build healthy relationships.
Using this experience Stan must accept himself and accept his faults to allow himself to heal from his childhood trauma, His addictions to drugs and alcohol to deal with life, his fear of sexual performance in a failed marriage, never reaching his potential, and unresolved trauma from his dominating mother leading him to fear women and his wish for self-actualization he will finally be free to speak about his deepest fears and desires to resolve his trauma.
Stan has not isolated anymore because he has a therapist to resolve his pain and trauma by being brave enough to expose his inner turmoil in the hopes of being like his superego desires and having a more positive future. By building a relationship with the therapist progress was made over time allowing Stan to understand his feelings, emotions, and behaviors. With this understanding, Stan has become braver, stronger, and goal orientated with a more positive outlook on life.
This person-centered therapy broke the chains of Stan’s trauma and allowed Stan to heal from his past and self-destructive behavior so can now achieve his self-actualization. All because his therapist gave him positive regard, congruence, and accurate empathy, he finally understood he had potential and deserved good relationships, by resolving his trauma he can now change his outlook on life which changes his outcomes in line with his goals. This will only be permanent if Stan stays positive and avoids following self-destructive behaviors by using healthy