PSY-427-OL01 how personality is influenced. Posters will be assessed on creativity and critical thinking.

Personality Theory

PowerPoint Presentation - Development of a Personality Theory: Students will apply what they have learned in the course to the development of their own theory of personality.

The personality theory may be influenced by theories that we have covered this semester but should also include novel ideas of how personality is influenced. Posters will be assessed on creativity and critical thinking.

The presentation should include at least one visual aid (table, graph, figure).

Personality Development

PowerPoint Presentation - Crafting a Theory of Personality: This assignment tasks students with integrating course knowledge to craft their own theory of personality.

The theory should draw from concepts covered in the course while also incorporating original insights into the factors influencing personality development. Evaluation will focus on creativity and depth of critical thinking.

Each presentation should incorporate at least one visual aid (table, graph, figure).

Understanding Personality Formation

PowerPoint Presentation - Crafting Personalized Theories of Personality: This assignment challenges students to construct their own comprehensive theories of personality formation.

While drawing from existing theories, students are encouraged to introduce innovative perspectives on the influences shaping personality. Evaluation criteria emphasize creativity and the ability to engage in critical analysis.

Presentations should feature at least one visual aid (table, graph, figure) to enhance clarity and comprehension.

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