Assignment: Simplified Systematic Review
TOPIC: Mental Health and Self-Harm
Produce a simplified systematic review focused on an emerging issue within childhood and early years studies.
Systematic Review Components:
Introduction and Rationale: Provide a clear introduction and rationale for your chosen topic.
Criteria for Inclusion/Exclusion: Define precise criteria for including or excluding documents.
Analysis of Key Concepts/Ideas: Conduct a critical analysis of the main concepts and ideas found within the reviewed documents.
Identification of Discourses: Identify and outline the discourses of childhood and youth evident in the reviewed documents. Include a table of documents in the appendix.
Presentation, Referencing, Academic Writing:
This short systematic review approach originates from medical sciences (e.g., Nursing, Epidemiology) and emphasizes the need for an evidence-based approach in medical practice. It involves evaluating existing research and knowledge through a systematic and methodical process.
Systematic Approach: Employ an overall strategy for conducting the review.
Search Strategy: Implement a clear and structured approach for selecting literature to be reviewed.
Critical Analysis: Conduct a rigorous analysis of the key ideas, theories, and findings presented in the literature.