PHY 55501 Electromagnetic Waves And Modern Optics The course introduces students to the production and control of light,

Electromagnetic Waves And Modern Optics

PHY 55501 Electromagnetic Waves And Modern Optics The course introduces students to the production and control of light, the interactions between matter and light from microscopic and macroscopic perspectives, spectroscopic techniques, and instruments based on modern optics. The course teaches students to apply geometric optics to optical systems as well as provide an understanding of optical systems related to diffraction and aberrations. In this course, students will study about electromagnetic waves in macro and microscopic materials in quantitative and qualitative manner. Students will be provided with an understanding of how to use light as a primary tool to explore the universe around us. In this course students will be taught to use Maxwell`s equations to analyze the scattering, reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at interfaces.

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