PGRM8100 Find, summarise and critique one credible peer-reviewed journal article that uses quantitative methods. Include discussion


  1. Find one systematic literature review journal article relevant to your topic and discuss the benefits of conducting a systematic literature review as well as the methods/data used in this specific article (e.g., exclusion/inclusion criteria, number of articles reviewed) and the key finding and limitations of this specific research (e.g., from the perspective of your own topic).
  2. Find, summarise and critique one credible peer-reviewed journal article that uses qualitative methods. Please note that you cannot use systematic literature review articles in this section. Include a discussion on the following topics: research paradigm, question/s, sampling, data collection, data analysis, key findings, and critical evaluation of the limitations (e.g., from the perspective of your own topic).
  3. Find, summarise and critique one credible peer-reviewed journal article that uses quantitative methods. Include discussion on the following topics: research paradigm, question/s (and hypotheses are applicable), sampling, data collection, data analysis, key findings, and critical evaluation of the limitations (e.g., from the perspective of your own topic).

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