Over the past months, you have noticed that Tom Murphy, aged 4 has attended the preschool service with dirty clothes.

As the supervisor (Joan Dwyer) in a full daycare setting, I have observed concerning changes in Tom Murphy`s behavior and circumstances. Over the past months, Tom, aged 4, has been attending the preschool service with dirty clothes, frequently complains of feeling hungry, and has displayed uncharacteristic aggressive behaviors towards other children.

Another notable change is Tom`s attendance pattern. Previously, his mother dropped him off reliably at 9 am. However, Tom`s father now brings him to the service, often arriving late between 10 am and 12 pm. Similarly, Tom`s father is frequently late when collecting him, necessitating multiple calls from our staff to remind him to pick up his son.

In addition, our staff has observed bruising on Tom`s upper arms on two occasions. When this was brought to his father`s attention, he explained that Tom "knocked himself against the wall." Despite expressing our growing concerns to the father, we have received little response or acknowledgment of these issues.

As the supervisor, it is essential to address these observations and take appropriate action to ensure Tom`s safety and well-being within our daycare setting.

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