MN6066: Ideally, as there is so much choice, each team should select a different CT, and a different PLC.

MN6066: Ideally, since there is such an abundance of choices available, each team should opt for a different Critical Theory (CT) and a different Public Limited Company (PLC).

Background: Throughout the course, we have delved into Critical Theory (CT), Critical Management Studies (CMS), The Manager of Tomorrow, and Cognitive Diversity. CMS examines management and organizations from a critical standpoint, utilizing Critical Theory (CT) to critique management practices rather than solely praising them. It sheds light on overlooked aspects of businesses and organizations and how they are managed.


  • Form teams consisting of a maximum of four (4) students.
  • Choose ONE Critical Theory (CT) from the extensive list in our main e-book/textbook by Tadajewski*, accessible here: "Key Concepts in Critical Management Studies" (2011), by Mark Tadajewski, available FREE as an e-book from the London Met Library. There are over 50 Critical Theories (CTs) to choose from, each approximately two pages long. You cannot select one of the three theories covered in class (i.e., Marxism, Feminism, Capitalism/Anti-Capitalism).
  • Choose ONE UK-based Public Limited Company (PLC), preferably a creative one (e.g., a media/broadcasting company, a publishing company, a fashion company, or a music company, etc.). Refer to a list of all UK PLCs and select ONE. Your task is to analyze the most recent Annual Report, available from the website of your chosen PLC.
  • Ideally, each team should select a different CT and PLC to ensure diversity in analysis and findings.

The Assignment comprises two parts, Part 1, and Part 2.

PART 1: Team presentation

  • Elaborate on your chosen CT, its relevance to CT and CMS, and its broader application.
  • Demonstrate how your chosen CT can be utilized to analyze and critique business and management practices globally.
  • Apply your chosen CT to evaluate and critique the chosen PLC, providing clear recommendations for potential improvements.
  • Present your team`s profile on ONE slide/page, showcasing how Cognitive Diversity was leveraged within your team during the assignment`s preparation and delivery.
  • Deliver a 15-minute (maximum) presentation to the class.

PART 2: Team `Critical Reflection` (utilize the PRO-FORMA below)

  • After all presentations are concluded, as a team, complete the Pro-Forma and compose a 250-word fully-referenced `Critical Reflection` on the team assignment.
  • Reflect on your team`s preparation and performance, individual team members` contributions, utilization of Cognitive Diversity within the team, and the performance of other teams observed.
  • Decide whether all team members should receive the same grade or if any team members deserve a higher grade.
  • Upload the Word file (one file per team) to the Turnitin site.