MGT540 - Discuss and analyse the role of ethical behaviour in a change management project that you have been involved within your organisation/industry/business.


1 (Compulsory) – Choose a or b

a) Discuss and analyse the role of ethical behaviour in a change management project that you have been involved within your organisation/industry/business. Evaluate whether ethics were compromised in the change project /suggested change in case ethics weren`t compromised. What could have been done/was done to prevent this from happening?

b) Refer to the Lakeland Wonders Case and discuss what ethical issues do you find surrounding the organisational change process? Four executives have shared their views on the Lakeland Wonders change initiative. Critically evaluate these four perspectives. Come up with the best course of action keeping in mind the ethical and sustainable points in views that would enable Lakeland Wonders to successfully implement the change initiative.

2. Communication is a key process and a core skill in the management of change. Give an example of a change project that you have been part of. Was the change planned or unplanned? Critically analyse the behavioural style used by a change leader. Was this style appropriate for the context? If appropriate, justify the behaviour. If not appropriate, suggest how it could have been improved. 

3. Give an example of an organisational change that you have experienced perhaps as a manager of change or an employee working with a change or a business owner. Describe the model of change that was used. Critically analyse the key elements that you observed. Which elements did not work out as expected? What recommendations would you suggest for a similar future change? 

4. From a real-world (organisation) setting (could be where you work or have worked, your own business, or the industry in general), critically analyse and evaluate an appreciative inquiry approach that you have experienced. OR Identify an issue from your workplace experience that could implement change using the appreciative inquiry approach.

5. Reflect on your own understanding of the nature of resistance, based on Topic 9. Think about what you have come to understand to be the meaning of resistance to change – what is it like? What insights on managing resistance would you add, from your own experience of change? Discuss and analyse with the help of a problem that you have encountered in your organisation/industry/business. Include recommendations for improving the success of the initiative taking into consideration ethical and sustainable issues (relates to topic 9).You must use at least 3 current references for each question in addition to the textbook (minimum of 10 references for the whole assessment) to support your answers. In answering the questions, you may use diagrams, tables, graphs and so on if you wish.

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