TASK 1 - My PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge)
This task is aimed to build a PMBOK - Project Management Body of Knowledge for you and your peers to ground and expand your understanding of important aspects of project management. A list of topics will be supplied in Week 1 from which you will be allocated up to 2 topics that you must research and then write a commentary that will inform me and your peer students on that topic.
Each piece will require 2 academic references and a complementary contemporary reference or example of that issue in action e.g. Teamwork - you might use and describe how Atlassian used their "Team Playbook" to bring projects to life in record time! Great responses will discuss links to organisational strategy.
To highlight you`ve investigated others` posts, please also provide a value adding and constructive feedback post on 3 of your peers` posts, this might include a link to further information, an example where you`ve seen the topic in action (good or bad) or a positive post about implications you might recognise related to the topic! These posts must be completed within 5 days of the assignment due date.
All assignments are marked as per the marking rubric and out of 100 marks and scaled to reflect the weight of each assignment. Posts are marked in the discussion forum but must be loaded to Turnitin to receive a mark.
TASK 2 - Simple Projects and Project Life Cycle
This task requires you to (Pt1) develop a simple project plan using some type of software support, this project can be brainstormed in groups but the completed assignment must be an individual and original piece of work. Specific outputs from the software will be required for this report, these include but are not limited to: a Gantt chart of the entire project, a project timeline, a resource sheet of all resources used, a ready to execute (baseline) project plan.
You are able to use Software like MS Project, to achieve this. We will run some online sessions on using MS Project to help you along. The second and third part of this assignment is discussion or graphical depiction of the dynamic technical issues (Pt2) and the sociocultural issues (Pt3) as your project is likely to move through the project lifecycle.
This will be a discussion of at least 3 of each socio/ technical issues in each phase of the project sourced from your research, the text and Interact resources. Discussion of how these impact project management and the organisation will be critical. All assignments are marked as per the marking rubric and out of 100 marks and scaled to reflect the weight of each assignment.
TASK 3 - My Organisational Project Proposal
For Assessment 3 you will individually prepare a comprehensive project proposal for an organisation, brand, product or service of your choice and that you have good knowledge of (work for, aspire to work for). Imagine you are a product, brand or manager and charged with the responsibility of bringing a new product, service or other change to customers and the organisation/business (talk to your lecturer about who you`ve chosen - you may not work for this organisation but may aspire to in the future).
The project plan must be realistic and reflect the strategy of the organisation. This proposal must include the initiation and planning phases of the PLC and include goals, milestones, KPI`s, resourcing, and be a leveled, baselined plan ready for sign off. It will also include your demonstrated understanding of Sociocultural Technical and PLC issues as they may impact the success of the project for the organisation.
You will present your proposal as a presentation deck of 12 core slides with audio or video narration that meets the needs of the organisation and the stakeholders - Managers, C Suite, Board etc. This might include using PowerPoint, Canva, Prezi.com as standalones or with audio or visual recordings and for face to face students, a live presentation or "pitch". All assignments are marked as per the marking rubric and out of 100 marks and scaled to reflect the weight of each assignment.