MGMT7029 Discuss future managers’ and workers’ needs to understand the characteristics of human beings in organisational situations.


  •  This assignment is to be a report based on an organisation with which you are involved.
  • Based on the content we have covered during lectures and your reading; you should identify and critically analyse two areas of Organisational Behaviour that have impacted or are impacting, the performance of your chosen organisation.
  • Your report should cover the following areas:
  1.  Organisational Context
  2. Topic Area 1 and its impact on performance
  3. Topic Area 2 and its impact on performance
  4. Conclusions and Reflection on how your understanding of Organisational Behaviour in this module (specifically in relation to chosen Topic Areas) can impact your contribution to the organisation’s performance.
  •  Remember, this assignment is a chance to demonstrate your capabilities across two of the module’s Learning Outcomes:

i) Discuss future managers’ and workers’ needs to understand the characteristics of human beings in organisational situations.

ii) Discuss emerging concepts that are reshaping the field of organisational

Therefore, the work you present in the assignment should seek to show an understanding of these areas.

  • The topic areas you choose to focus on are up to you as each of your organisational contexts will be different. They may be broad topic areas (e.g. based on the Indicative Content in the Module Descriptor) or something more
    specific we have discussed in lectures/readings that resonate with the experience of your chosen organisation.
  1. This could appear a wide choice, but the intention is to allow you to apply the learning of the module into your setting and therefore be useful to you beyond the assignment.
  2. You are welcome to email me to if you have any questions or queries.


  •  This is an individual assignment.
  • The word count for the assignment is max. 2,000 words (not including the Cover Page or Reference List).
  • Referencing must adhere to the Harvard Referencing Standard.
  • Cover Page should include Student Name, Student ID, *Student Assessment Declaration, Wordcount, Lecturer’s Name and Module Name.

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