M32550 Demonstrate advanced knowledge and critical understanding of theoretical frameworks, concepts, models, and tools relevant for sustainable management and leadership.

Assessment: Case Analysis

Learning Outcome 1: Apply theoretical framework and concepts drawing on knowledge and skills learnt, supported by reflective thinking, to a complex and challenging business problem and provide recommendations.

Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate advanced knowledge and critical understanding of theoretical frameworks, concepts, models, and tools relevant for sustainable management and leadership.

  • Develop critical and reflective thinking skills
  • Academic writing skills
  • Being analytical
  • Develop your analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills

Task description: Assessment-1: Case study analysis of BP (British Petroleum) and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster of 2010. Please read the case (link to the case is on, Moodle page in the Assessment and Support Materials section) and write answers to the following questions:

  1. How did the Deepwater Horizon disaster happen? How did a company known for being a relatively good corporate citizen become involved in what may many argue as the nation`s worst environmental disaster?
  2. What were the key organisational, information, and decision-making issues that led to this disaster?
  3. In order to prevent (or at least mitigate) the disaster what should have been done? Who should have stepped up to prevent this crisis to happen? Provide justification drawing on evidence from the case and additional reading on theoretical concepts.
  4. Consider you have become the new CEO of BP, what strategic actions would you implement in the short-term and what would you do to restore the company`s reputation?

Please note:

  • A cover page containing the Essay title and your student ID number and wordcount need to be included
  • The essay should be written using word processing, font size: 12, font type : Times New Roman or Arial

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