LLB020N202S: ‘The Duty of Care concept operates as an unnecessary and unfair restriction on liability for negligently inflicted harm’:

  1. Evaluate the assertion that `The Duty of Care concept operates as an unnecessary and unfair restriction on liability for negligently inflicted harm.` Examine the arguments both supporting and opposing this position and form a well-reasoned conclusion.

  2. Assess the validity of the claim that `The Duty of Care concept serves as an unwarranted and unjust limitation on liability for harm caused by negligence.` Analyze the arguments advocating for and against this assertion and arrive at a substantiated perspective.

  3. Deliberate on the statement suggesting that `The Duty of Care concept imposes an unjustified and inequitable constraint on liability for harm resulting from negligence.` Explore the viewpoints supporting and challenging this notion, and develop a justified viewpoint on the matter.

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