Investigating the Performance and Reliability of Cloud-Based Distributed Systems under Different Load Conditions

Assessment Description:

In today`s world, cloud computing has become an essential part of most IT infrastructures, and distributed systems have become a preferred way of designing scalable, fault-tolerant, and efficient software systems. However, the performance and reliability of these systems are greatly affected by the load conditions under which they operate. Therefore, the aim of this project is to investigate the performance and reliability of cloud-based distributed systems under different load conditions.


  • To analyse the performance of cloud-based distributed systems under different load conditions.
  • To investigate the impact of varying workload on the reliability of distributed systems.
  • To identify the key factors affecting the performance and reliability of cloud-based distributed systems under different load conditions.
  • To propose solutions to improve the performance and reliability of cloud-based distributed systems.

Methodology: The project will involve the following methodology:

  • Literature review: A comprehensive study of existing research on cloud-based distributed systems and their performance and reliability under different load conditions will be conducted.
  • Design and implementation of experiments: A series of experiments will be designed and implemented to investigate the performance and reliability of cloud-based distributed systems under different load conditions. The experiments will be conducted using open-source cloud platforms such as OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Data collection and analysis: Data on the performance and reliability of the cloud-based distributed systems will be collected and analyzed using statistical analysis techniques such as regression analysis and ANOVA.
  • Evaluation and improvement: Based on the results of the experiments and data analysis, solutions to improve the performance and reliability of cloud-based distributed systems under different load conditions will be proposed.

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