How motivated are you by money? What objective evidence can you provide from your career experience to support your self-characterization?

Section 1: Personal perception. How motivated are you by money? What objective evidence can you provide from your career experience to support your self-characterization?

Section 2: Fit with Career Strategy Most employment markets are competitive, requiring recent grads to distinguish, or differentiate, themselves from other applicants. What do you hope to gain from this course that can help you to differentiate yourself from other applicants? Relate your answer to the type of job you will be seeking and be as specific as possible about what you can add to your current repertoire of skills and knowledge, rather than an expectation to add to your general knowledge base or get a good mark to raise your GPA (which hopefully will happen) or just get a degree.

Section 3: Organizational Situations: Personal Growth How do you feel about group assignments? Reflect on a previous experience - perhaps in another course or in a work environment - working in a team. What did you learn that you can apply to your group work in this course?

Section 4: Indigenous Reconciliation. Based on the reading for week 1 in `Personal Pledge of Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.` suggest one specific activity that you (or non-Indigenous Canadians involved in the 4th year of their business program) could undertake to make a personal contribution to Indigenous Reconciliation. Explain why you think this is a good step for you (and/or others in Canada) to make.

Indigenous Corporate Training Inc.. Personal Pledge of Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. (please include a in-text citation and reference )

Section 5: `What would you do?` Consider an instance when you observed or experienced a business practice that you thought was less than optimal. What did you do, or might have you done, to make the situation more effective for the business (and therefore its customers)?

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