Assessment Details:
Research: Working with your group, you will conduct research (primary or secondary) about the management of your selected organisation and detail the strategies that they advocated to help grow the company. Your group need to select an organisation based in Australia and will interview the top manager/s (one or more) to collect the required information to meet the objectives of this assessment.
Given the fact that all top managers are not always successful, if the company you choose employed strategies that failed, detail the failure and add analysis as to why it failed and what may have been done to foster success.
Your written report must address the following questions:
Question 1: Who is the top leader(s) of the company? Explain briefly the background of the company and top leader/s. Also discuss the key factors that played a role in their pathways to leadership in the company?
Question 2: What was their strategies to mitigate the challenges, in particular
Question 3: How effective was their strategies? In the case of success of strategies, how did planning, organizing, leading and controlling contribute to the company`s success? In the case of failure of strategies, what were the factors causing failure?
Question 4: What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the company?
Question 5: As a company`s top leader/manager, what are the major challenges that your organisation can face in the next five years?
Question 6: Based on your research and in the light of course related theories: