Excel. Using charts or analyses from other sources in place of the analyses you should be doing for the report will result in a mark of zero for that element of the report.


Use the information above and the data in the Excel spreadsheet to produce a dashboard and write a management report to the company, who for the purposes of this task is your employer, on the requested analyses. Use any methods from the LZMNGT130 module that you think are useful and appropriate. However, you will not get any credit and may lose marks if you use methods that are not suitable.

You can assume that management is familiar with all the statistics that have been covered in the course and so you do not need to explain any statistical terminology that you use, they simply require an expert to perform the analysis.

You are required to submit 2 elements:i) Produce a prototype dashboard in Excel; and ii) Write a management report for your analysis that clearly explains the analyses you have done. Marks will be awarded for the choice and look of visualisations, quality (technical correctness) and clarity (quality of explanations) of your responses to the analysis requirements above. The coursework assessment is worth 60% of the overall module marks. The weighting of the assessment marks are as follows:

  • Dashboard and with supporting summary appendix
  • Regression analysis of company wages
  • Management report

You are expected to perform your analysis on the data provided using Excel. Using charts or analyses from other sources in place of the analyses you should be doing for the report will result in a mark of zero for that element of the report.

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