Evaluate construction information to determine quality requirements and prepare a report on defects and recommended remedial actions.

Unit 21 Site supervision and operations, Pearson Higher Nationals in Civil Engineering

Assignment - Evaluate construction information to determine quality requirements and prepare a report on defects and recommended remedial actions.

Learning Outcome 1: Evaluate construction information to determine quality requirements.

Learning Outcome 2: Prepare a report on defects and recommended remedial actions.

Assignment Brief: You are working for a Construction Project Management Consultancy, Building Associates Ltd., as an Assistant Site Supervisor. The project that you are currently working on is a medium-sized commercial office building for a developer client and this is their first commercial development. As it is early in the project, pre-construction, the client wishes to understand how your firm will ensure that the project is achieved on time, of the appropriate quality and that site operations will be undertaken safely. Your manager recognises that this information would be valuable to other potential clients so that they can understand the work of the firm and how you ensure safety, quality and cost effectiveness. As a result, you have been asked to develop a ` brochure` for Building Associates Ltd. that will show how, using the current project as an example, the firm creates value for clients.

Task 1 - LO1
In order to define the quality requirements, you will need to review the drawings, specifications and schedules for the projects. As you do this, you will need to document how these are defined for the `brochure` and explore the relationship between quality and statutory requirements. Going further, you will need to consider how quality may be informed or affected by the requirement to meet statutory requirements (such as building regulations, planning, etc.).

Task 2 - LO2
When considering the types of activity that the firm offers, you will need to discuss how site visits play a role in monitoring progress and quality for projects. This should include some consideration of how on-site testing of materials, component, prototypes, etc. are used to ensure that appropriate decisions are made. As projects reach completion, defects become one aspect that your role must manage. Therefore, you will need to explain the difference between patent and latent defects and how they must be addressed. In addition, for the `brochure` you should evaluate how client requirements, statutory requirements and addressing defects all play a part in ensuring quality and safety.

For this part of assignment, you are to carry out a condition survey of the College estate here at the SomerValleyCampus. You are to compile a schedule of defects arising from the survey and explore maintenance specifications for their rectification.As a footnote to your report consider the impact of defects of ‘defects liability considering at least two cases from the courts which have impacted on the contemporary situation.

• Work submitted for assessment MUST be accompanied by the complete assignment brief and assignment form with all parts.

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