EDU7408 PGCE -I To prepare you to become an outstanding leader of learning in your chosen setting(s), who is committed, creative and confident and who is able to go on to make a significant contribution to teaching and learning in your field.


This module will provide opportunities for you to consider your specialist subject or area of expertise as recognised in your qualifications to date (hereafter referred to as your ‘subject’). Through a range of class-based group discussions and activities, personal reflection, and your wider reading and research, you will be able to recognise the nature of your subject and to identify some of its threshold concepts. Threshold concepts are those that contribute to the essential essence or heart of your subject (see below *). It is likely that the threshold concepts in your subject will have formed the bedrock of your own development as a specialist and expert. However, the challenge can be for specialist to strip away the complex nature of the subject to identify those core concepts. The assessment of this module will encourage you to deconstruct your subject and consider the rationale for, and means by which threshold concepts can be taught to the learner.

The assessment of this module will be through the submission of a portfolio of evidence.

This module addresses the following course aims:

  • To prepare you to become an outstanding leader of learning in your chosen setting(s), who is committed, creative and confident and who is able to go on to make a significant contribution to teaching and learning in your field.
  • To meet the challenges of drawing from and applying the knowledge, understanding and skills from prior study in your specialist area, pedagogic content knowledge, and supporting theory, policy    and practice to ensure successful learning experiences for those in your charge

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