Discuss this case study, keeping in mind the four principles of social justice and the relevant legislation.

Anna is 46 and is going out with Patrick (32). Anna and Patrick both use a day service and they have known each other for a long time. The day service used to be a workshop, but it is Not anymore. Anna and Patrick enjoy holding hands and kissing. They both tell each other that they would like to have sex. Anna lives with her sister and Patrick with his parents. Patrick is not allowed to visit Anna. Anna has been invited to Patrick’s house for dinner twice. But Anna does not go to visit him anymore, because her sister does not want Anna to be with Patrick. Anna and Patrick say that they are engaged.

Once Anna was out with her key worker and stopped at a jewellery shop because she wanted to have a look at the engagement rings. The jeweler said that she must grow up for that and smiled at the care worker, who answered, She is forty-six’. Anna left but did not really understand why the jeweler said she would have to grow up. Anna and Patrick have been together for the last ten years.

Discuss this case study, keeping in mind the four principles of social justice and the relevant legislation. If you were Anna’s key worker, what would you do to support her to live a full life?