Two 750-word (+/-10%) reports relating to the overall topic of the Global Business Environment
Coursework 2(a) & 2(b), 750 words each
Critically examine the food take away market within the town centre of your classes and assess the level of competitiveness and likely impact of the present economic situation. The purpose of paper 2(a) is to test your:
Assess how the ‘Work from Home’ trend that was accelerated by the global lockdown has impacted the economy and explain the benefits and disadvantages this has created for business organisations. The Purpose of paper 2(b) is to test your:
You should reflect on module content and use this as a basis to express your own ideas, using theory, academic references and practical industry examples where appropriate.
These briefing documents should each be no longer than 750 words each (+/-10%) or total more than 1,500-word together (+/-10%).