Description of the impairment/condition/syndrome to include possible developmental/behavioral concerns.

Part 1- Introduction (L02 & L04)

  1. Description of the impairment/condition/syndrome to include possible developmental/behavioral concerns.
  2. Detailed exploration of the difficulties encountered by the child and their family to include issues relating to:
  • Difficulties related to the specific impairment/condition/syndrome.
  • The concepts of integration and inclusion and the difference between them.
  • Benefits, challenges, and barriers to inclusion – with a particular focus on the condition you are exploring.

Part 2 – Education Provision and Curriculum Implementation (10, 1, L03, L06)

• Analyse the provision of education to individuals with additional needs with reference to current and relevant legislation and theory to include a particular focus on the child and condition you are exploring in relation to:

  • Legislation regarding special educational needs.
  • Equality legislation.
  • Theories underpinning curriculum implementation from early childhood to the third level.
  • Differentiation of curriculum – with a particular focus on the child and condition you are exploring.
  • Teaching skills – with particular focus on the child and condition you are exploring.
  • Communication supports – with a particular focus on the child and condition you are exploring.
  • Individual Education Plans, benefits of IEPs, members of MDT, and importance of having MDT involvement along with teacher, SNA, setting, and parents.

Part 3 – Dealing with Stress. (L010)

  1. What is stress and why is it important to address it – make particular reference to stress and the role of the SNA.
  2. Identification of stressors for the adult and child.
  3. Strategies to address these for the child explained including detailed examples – with particular focus on the child and condition you are exploring.
  4. Strategies to address these for the adult explained including detailed examples – make particular reference to stress and the role of the SNA.